Name of the event: 5
thOnline/Offline Mega “International Conference on Continuity, Consistency
and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities (ICCIASH-2024)"
Date: 19th and 20th June 2024
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Orientation Day - 2023-24
Date: 07-09-2023
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: A 2- Day Virtual Mutidisciplinary Academic Workshop on “RECENT ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES” (RAETS-2023)
Date: 2nd – 3rd September, 2023
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: 4th Online Mega “International Conference on Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities (ICCIASH-2023)"
Date: 18th and 19th August 2023
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: A 2- Day Virtual Mutidisciplinary Academic Workshop on “Latest Trends in
Enhancing English Language Learning Skills” (LTEELLS- 2023)
Date: 8th to 9th July 2023
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: 3
rd Online/Offline Mega “International Conference on Continuity, Consistency
and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities (ICCIASH-2022)"
Date: 16th and 17th September 2022
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: A 2- Day Virtual Multidisciplinary Academic Workshop on “Future Ready
Learning & Challenges in Education 2022” (FRLNCE 2022)
Date: 09th-10th July, 2022
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: ISKON’s Special Session on “Peace of Mind or Pieces of Mind”
Date: 20th June, 2022
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Brahmakumris’ Special Session on “Goals, Values&Time and Health for Students”
Date: 24th December, 2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Online “2nd International Conference on Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities (ICCIASH-2021)"
Date: 29th and 30th July 2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: “A Three - Day National Workshop on Advanced Software Tools for Young Technocrats & Engineering Faculty
Date: 24th-26th June, 2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: “National Level Three - Day Faculty Development Programme to Build a
Learning Culture Based on Collaboration, Shared Vision and Teamwork”
Date: 24-26th May, 2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Three–day Faculty Development Programme on “The Know–How of Teaching Learning and Progressive Research Methods”
Date: 21-23, December 2020
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: AICTE ATAL Sponsored One Week Online Faculty Development
Date: 21-25, September 2020
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Online “International Conference on Continuity, Consistency and
Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities (ICCIASH-2020)"
Date: 13
th and 14thAugust 2020
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Rajagiri National Business Quiz (Rajagiri NBQ)
Date: 23-08-2018 TO 31-10-2019
Brief description about the event:
Rajagiri National Business Quiz, Popularly known as “Rajagiri NBQ” was conducted at St.Martin’s Engineering College on 31st October 2019. Rajagiri NBQ notices the best quizzing minds of the country and encourages them to development the competitive spirit.
The students details as are as follows.
1. Kara Roopika - 19K81A1219 - IT - First Prize
2. S.E.Prince Joseph - 19K81A0340 - MECH-A - Second Prize
3. N.Lakshmi Sravya - 19K81A0442 - ECE-A - Third Prize
4. P.Rohan Reddy - 19K81A05G6 - CSE-C - Fourth Prize
The winner students will be allowed to participate in the grand finale offline prelims, which will be held on November 23 2019, at Rajagiri Center for Business Studies, Cochin, Kakkanad. 120 students participated in the quiz and four students of B.Tech I year have won the competition and received cash prizes along with members.
On this great achievement, the college Chairman Sri M.Laxman Reddy garu, the Executive Director Sri G.Chandra Shekar Yadav garu appreciated the students. The Principal, Dr.P.Santosh Kumar Patra Sir congratulated the student winners and conveyed best wishes for the grand finale..

Name of the event: One Week Induction Programme
Date: 23-08-2018 TO 28-08-2018
Brief description about the event:
Day-1: Orientation for Parents & Students:
The induction program was designed in such a way that students get to know each other as well as their teachers. Co-curricular activities
like Creative Arts, General English, Aptitude, General Mathematics and Soft Skills were held in the morning sessions.
Chief Guest for the day was Dr.A.Govardhan Rector JNTUH and other eminent members from the Management graced the occasion
and gave valuable inputs to both parents and students. The program was attended by an audience of 1400 members.
In the morning sessions department wise orientation and department visit was conducted so that the students know the
importance of their core subjects.

At the afternoon session Mr. Mushtaq, motivational speaker and campus recruitment trainer was invited to speak to the students. The session was very successful. Students were inspired by his methods of approaching B.Tech course. Many students came to up to the dias to speak about their experiences and thanked the speaker.